Your eyes aren’t playing tricks on you, I’m finally updating my site! The previous design has been going strong since 2013 and it was about time I stopped procrastinating and finally updated not only the look but the underlying tech as well. Over the last few months I’ve just wanted to own my content more, that meant not posting as much (or straight up removing some social media accounts) and bringing everything I do in house.
I always viewed my site as more than a “design portfolio”, because I’m more than just a designer. It’ll be the “net all” of all my work – design, photography, miniature painting and whatever thing I decide I want to try my hands at next.
So what has or is changing?
The tech
So the tech isn’t necessarily changing, I’ve been running WordPress for quite some time. It was just long overdue to finally pull the plug and update from V4 to the latest. I love having the ability to use all the new features (blocks, editing updates, different ways of theming) but it does mean some of my plugins don’t work. Not the end of the world. I also have to go through my extensive back catalog and update every post, so bear with me while that’s in progress. There’s a lot to learn with this new way of creating themes and setting up posts so don’t mind me kicking layouts around in real time 😉
A new Blog
As I mentioned about wanting to house all my own content, I decided to bring my blog back under my domain as well. I may still sync it with Tumblr, we’ll see. I want to treat this as a way to post more bite-sized content, similar to a tumblr, IG stories, etc. I can also use it as a way to update you all when I make changes to my back catalog that won’t be as apparent on the homepage.
Wallpapers may not work for a bit
As I mentioned in the Tech snippet, Wallpaper posts will be the most affected. I need to go through every one and update how the download links are listed (along with the featured image). I may look at grouping older years together (ie: make a Wallpapers 2015 post) rather than have them all out individually.
Bringing in my other creative hobbies
I still intend to keep my hobby blog active for the near term, sharing WIP of my latest miniatures but I want to start to bring in some finished photos to my overall “portfolio”.
An increased focus in other photography
I’ve always been a pretty avid hobbyist with photography, but as you may have noticed I’ve really taken to bird watching & bird photography. I hated how small photos were on Instagram and I wanted a better way to showcase them. With the update to the site, I can do just that. You’ll be able to click in to view images larger, I can have better lockups of the content. Really excited to share more going forward and bringing in photos from trips to Iceland, Signapore and more that I just never had on my site.
Like I said, this is one big move to start to have a home for everything I do and I couldn’t be more excited. I’m sure I missed out on other changes or other wild ideas I have planned, but it’s a start. Thanks for your patience while I get things updated and sorted out.