MakerBot Digital Store

Client: MakerBot Digital Store
My Role: UI/UX Designer

At this year’s CES, MakerBot revealed it’s new online Digital Store. This new digital storefront will house unique, high quality designs by the new MakerBot Studio team for customers to buy and print. No need to scale, slice, etc. You just buy, add the .x3g file to your SD card and print right away on a MakerBot Replicator 2. Pretty easy! The Digital Store launched with six collections with at least 10 high quality models each. Customers can buy an individual model or the complete series (often including a special piece).

My job was to create the design and UX for this new property. Working with the Studio team, we laid out a nice template for each collection, featuring custom illustrations from some great artists for each collection, the collection logo, an intro and a display of the models available for purchase. The purchase flow is a very streamlined process, handled all within the more details dropdown panel. Once a customer has a credit card attached to their account (which they are asked for during their initial purchase), all future purchases are easily done from a one-click buy.

Future plans for the Digital Store include a full responsive layout and inclusion into the new MakerBot desktop app (releasing later this year).

MakerBot Digital Store - Homepage

Product Display Page – Chunky Trucks
MakerBot Digital Store - Product Page (Chunky Trucks)

Product Description Panel
MakerBot Digital Store - Product Description Panel