
Back in January of 2012, I moved my domain from to Upon making the switch, I also started to use WordPress as a CMS solution. But when I launched the site I ended up going with a pre-made theme that I just customized a bit. It was meant to be a temporary solution. As with all temp solutions, they tend to stick around for too long. I focused more of my time on freelance projects, updates, launching and more.

But now, a year+ later I can come back to it and give it a fresh coat of responsive paint, taking what I’ve learned in the past year and improving upon it. As mentioned, the site is fully responsive so it will be much more tablet/mobile friendly than before. I decided against hiding the desktop version of wallpapers (like I do on dsktps) as phones and tablets resolutions are getting larger and I wanted to allow the user to download which ever they’d like. Overall, I wanted to keep the minimal feel of the site but still give it a worn look. I’ve fleshed out the About page a bit more, listing my side projects and adding all the social sites you can find me at (also in the footer). I’ve baked in a notification bar for the homepage that will allow me to point out important news/updates if and when I want to. Eventually, I plan to add in better search functionality and more. One other big change from the previous theme was putting the “Wallpapers” category as its own item in the main navigation. Seeing as that is one of the biggest draws to my site, I thought I’d make it easier for people to find them.

Other than that, it’s still filled with all the content you guys have come to love. Enjoy!

Homepage - 2013: Home Page

Category Page - 2013: Category Page

Single Page (Content Display) - 2013: Single Page

About Page - 2013: About Page

Mobile View - 2013: Mobile View

Tablet View - 2013: Tablet View