GameGround – V2 Concept

Client: GameGround – V2 Concept
My Role: Lead Designer
View More: View Project on Dribbble

Below are some concept designs for an upgrade to the UI of the GameGround Facebook App. We wanted to revisit how the entire app was laid out for our users. After reviewing user feedback, we decided to streamline the entire app. By breaking the homepage down to just the category listings, users could more easily find the games they really wanted to play. We continued this process to the new genre sub-category, displaying the games with big, bold thumbnails using the game art. From here, the user would go to the brand new game page design, where they could pick a tournament they’d like to play in and have easier access to the game’s power-ups. The game summary and profile pages also received design refreshes.

Home Page Design:
Home Page Design

Genre Page:
V2 - Genre Page

Game Page:
V2 - Game Page

Game Summary (Jackpot Tournaments):
V2 - Game Summary (Jackpot Tournaments)

Play Profile (Tournament History):
V2 - Play Profile (Tournament History)