Armies on Parade: Death Guard

Every year, Games Workshop hosts a gathering for hobbyists to share their armies in their stores around the world. Each painter needs to have a 2 foot x 2 foot display and from there, their imagination is the limit. Last year I entered in NYC with my Ork army and took home third. It was so exciting and I couldn’t wait to try and one up myself the next year.

I had a trio Death Guard Imperial Knights done around the same time last year, but wanted more time to work up more of a force. Over the next year I put a lot of work into this giant force. I also knew I wanted to take the time to learn how to build a bigger custom display. I wrote up a making-of blog post on my gaming group’s site if you want to see the full behind-the-scenes, but the short of it was I used some insulation foam sheets to create a custom mountainscape. It was so much fun to create and learned a lot of new tricks along the way.

Armies on Parade: Death Guard

Armies on Parade: Death Guard

Armies on Parade: Death Guard

Armies on Parade: Death Guard

Armies on Parade: Death Guard

Armies on Parade: Death Guard

This year, Games Workshop changed up the award system. Instead of just a Gold/Silver/Bronze overall winner they had 5 different categories a painter could win Gold in. I took home 4 out of the 5!


Now to start thinking about next year’s display!